At Ace Dental Care Chico, our dentist, Dr. C. Srinivas Rao, can see you for appointments to place and restore dental implants in Chico, California. This long-lasting restoration option can provide greater stability and comfort than bridges or dentures. To visit our office to see if you are a candidate for this treatment, call 530-345-4780 and speak with a member of our team.

Dental implants are long-lasting and durable solutions to one or more missing teeth. Whether you are looking to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth in a row or an entire dental arch, our team can create a treatment plan featuring dental implants that fully restores the health, beauty and function of your smile. The first part of the implant, the implant post, is made of a biocompatible titanium material that is surgically placed in your jawbone where your missing tooth once did. This allows the implant to replace the root of your tooth as well as the crown, preventing the surrounding bone from deteriorating and securing your implant restoration into place. After the implant placement procedure, there will be a healing period, during which your post bond to your natural jawbone.

After the initial healing period, you will be ready for your implant restoration. The restoration, which replaces the visible part of your missing tooth or teeth, will complete the implant process. Our dentist will help you decide which restoration is right for your smile. That may look like a dental crown, a dental bridge or a complete or partial denture. Each restoration is custom made to fit you smile comfortably, functionally and beautifully. While your restoration may need to be replaced in time, your implant post can last for the rest of your life when cared for properly.

To learn more about dental implants and whether you are a good candidate, call our office and plan your consultation with our skilled dentist.