Dental Crowns in Chico, California

Do you have a tooth that has been severely damaged by trauma or decay? Or are you dealing with a tooth that is so discolored that a regular whitening treatment cannot help? Our dentist may have a solution. We offer zirconia dental crowns in Chico, California, to help you find the answers to your smile problems. If you would like to meet with Dr. C. Srinivas Rao, call Ace Dental Care Chico at 530-345-4780 and one of our team members can help you schedule your visit.

Dental crowns are one of the most versatile restoration options we offer at our office, and they can be used to address a number of dental issues. While commonly recommended to restore significantly damaged or decayed teeth, dental crowns may also be recommended to serve the following purposes:

  • Capping a dental implant to replace a missing tooth
  • Anchoring a dental bridge into place
  • Correcting misshapen teeth
  • Improving the overall appearance of your smile
  • Restoring teeth that are too damaged to be fixed with a dental filling
  • Supporting large dental fillings
  • Strengthening weak or fractured teeth

Each dental crown is custom made to fulfill your specific needs and fit cleanly and comfortably in your mouth. In the case of damaged teeth, the crown is placed over the affected tooth to restore its natural shape, size and appearance. These crowns can be made of gold, but they are most popular in porcelain, which can be matched to the natural color of your smile. They can also be made with porcelain fused to metal. During your consultation, our dentist will help you decide which material is best for your dental crown.

To learn more about dental crowns and how they can be used to restore your smile, call or visit our office today.